I am glad you’re here.

Pursuing my true passion for art, nature, plants, gardening and craftsmanship has motivated me to start my business in producing Artfully Designed Planters.

Through years of attending trade shows in both Europe and the United States, I couldn’t help but notice the appreciation the US market consistently had for beautiful, hard-to-reach products from my native country, Belgium. I am here to bring the two worlds together.

Belgium, a land celebrated for its rich artistic heritage, has inspired me to craft planters that transcend mere functionality and transform into exquisite works of art. Combining it with craftsmanship in the US, in particular in North Carolina, my new home nation, has allowed me to deliver these simple, elegant and timeless planters with a lead time of 5 weeks, in weatherproof material. They withstand the extreme weather conditions, salt, sun and freezing cold.

These planters are more than vessels; they are conversations between art and nature, waiting to grace your living spaces.

Let me know how I can help you,

Yours artfully,

Tom Paeshuys from JoinUs.